In the Media
I’ve published the following articles as an executive contributor for Brainz Magazine
- 8 Things You Need To Know If You Really Want To Overcome Anxiety – READ
- Change Your Story, Change Your Life – READ
- Getting Over Anxiety – What Recipe Are You Using? – READ
- Sally Helped Me To Beat My Anxiety – READ
- A Reflective Process For Creating Personal Change – READ
As a Podcast Guest
- An interview for UK Health Radio – LISTEN
- Finding better strategies for dealing with anxiety – BLAM, a business podcast – LISTEN – WATCH
- Anxiety management. eComOne and eCommerce marketing agency produce a regular business focused podcast – LISTEN
- Conversations with my mind. – Listen
Conversations with my mind is one of the most interesting interviews I’ve ever done.
When I first spoke with Ance, the host of the podcast, she was very honest that she was skeptical of NLP and Hypnotherapy. As these are 2 of the toolkits that I use most in helping people to overcome anxiety, and things that I’m very passionate about, it was always going to be an interesting conversation.
Although skeptical, Ance approached the conversation with an open mind. My take is that by the end of our conversation she was a lot more open to these approaches. I’d love to know what you think.
This was completely unscripted. I wasn’t censoring myself, just speaking what I believe to be true. I think we went on some interesting tangents.