My Statement of Corporate Responsibility 2023
I run a business and like all businesses I need to show a profit. I also believe that a business can do so much more than make money.
A Statement of Corporate Responsibility is simply a declaration of how that business operates.
It may cover things such as:
- How they give back, either to their community or to society at large
- How they choose their suppliers
- Green credentials
Even though the word ‘corporate’ is pushing it a bit when it comes to describing my business, I have decided that 2022 is the first year that I will publish my CSR.
My CSR 2023.
Tony Leake Coaching and Therapy exists to help people to have a better quality of life. That can mean so much more than helping to overcome anxiety or achieving life goals.
This document sets out some ways that I am committed to helping people outside of my core business. It focuses on working with, and contributing to, charities. I expect that the scope of this statement will expand over time.
1 – Working with charities.
Sometimes our time can be the most valuable thing that we can give.
Over the last 7 years I have:
- Worked as a volunteer therapist for Nottinghamshire Mind (4 years)
- Run courses and individual coaching sessions with people who are undergoing cancer treatment in conjunction with The Aurora Centre (5 years)
- Been a community governor for The Elizabethan School in Retford (6 years)
At present I am unable to give time in this way due to my work schedule. I hope to be able to resume this in the near future.
2 – Giving to charities.
As much as giving time is important, charities need money to operate. Each year I will choose a charity of the year and commit to giving to them.
This year it is the Buddy Bag Foundation. Each year 10’s of thousands of children are taken into emergency care, often as the result of domestic violence. The BBF provides a ‘buddy bag’ full of essential items such as pyjamas, toothbrush, an age-appropriate book and toy to children when they need it most. The feedback from the children about the positive impact this has on them is amazing. As much as the physical items, the knowledge that there is somebody out there who cares for them and is looking out for them can stop a difficult situation becoming a major trauma.
This year I will purchase 1 Buddy Bag upon payment of the first invoice for each new client who chooses to work with me.
For now, that is the extent of my statement. I hope to expand this over time.